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Why a Searchable Knowledge Base Is the Best Thing for Your Business?


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

This quote by Hellen Keller is quite relevant today when collaboration is touted as the new innovation and is seen as indispensable by businesses to craft a positive growth trajectory.

Let’s start with a few questions.

Does your organization have its roots globally?

Do you have a workforce that’s spread across the length and breadth of the globe?


Are you a small business focusing on expanding your circle in different countries due to which your employee count is increasing like never before?

If you are any of the two cases, the one persistent issue you might be dealing with is – how to keep your employees connected and enhance collaboration among teams?

Since knowledge is power, judicious use of your company knowledge can help you unite even those employees who are sitting miles apart from each other. However, this is only plausible if you have a full-fledged, feature-rich and robust AI knowledge base in place.

Apprehensive about how one single knowledge base can add so much value to your collaboration endeavors?

Believe it or not but an internal knowledge base is both omniscient and omnipotent for a business like yours that envisages different and widely spread teams working together and churning out better output.

To clear your doubts, let’s take a quick glance at the benefits of using an internal knowledge base software to build a common knowledge platform for your employees.

  • Enables instant information exchange
  • Eliminates training time and cost
  • Increases collaboration
  • Ensures anytime and anywhere access
  • Compatible with mobile phones

And many more.

The list is long as it provides a bouquet of benefits to both large and small business.

Now let’s see how implementing it impacts your business.

#1. Accelerates growth

If knowledge is just a click away, it will increase your employees’ productivity, save their time and help them focus on essential tasks.

Imagine a situation where you don’t have a knowledge base and your team is working on a high pitch, the deadline for which is, say after an hour. They call up the concerned department to get certain figures to showcase in the proposal, but to their disappointment, the team on the other side has no clue about it. That team then calls up another team sitting in a different office and they too don’t have the required info.

What next? The deadline is missed. All the hard work that was put into preparing that proposal went in vain, plus, they lost a lot of time and even after all this, the team couldn’t even partake in the pitch, forget about winning it.

Now can you think of how an internal knowledge base with all crucial information can help your business grow?

#2. Prevents loss of information

Suppose an employee in your business development team leaves because of some reason. Now, this employee has handled some of the high and revenue-generating pitches for your business, and he has direct access to crucial information.

Although your team will take a handover from him when he leaves, it will make the process clumsy and confusing. A single knowledge platform in place will ensure that information is transferred to the portal on time.

#3. Productivity shoots up

As per a report by Mckinsey, on average employees spend 20% of the workweek looking for relevant information or connecting with colleagues who can provide them with specific details. Hence, their productivity drops down considerably.

If employees get the right information as and when they need it, they will not have to wander from pillar to post, open scores of emails or spend time reaching out to a team member, to get things done. Better the productivity of your employees, higher will be your business growth.

#4. Build and boost employee engagement

When teams are located across different offices, employee engagement suffers. To help your workforce engage better, you can create a single knowledge platform where employees can read, share and find information.

They will also be able to comment on posts or ask doubts if any, which are catered to by anyone who has the right answer. This boosts collaboration and creates an atmosphere of connected learning and development.

#5. Enhances collaboration with remote employees

Every business has a set of employees who work remotely. The only means to connect with them regularly is through weekly calls or emails that are time-taking and tedious processes. If you create a knowledge platform that is compatible with mobile phones, half of your job of connecting with remote employees is done. They will able to access the portal on their phones anytime to get information and project updates instantly.

Smooth communication and improved productivity are the key drivers that will drive your business forward and to achieve this, incorporating a knowledge platform is a prerequisite.

With millennials forming a major chunk of the workforce, the time is ripe to be futuristic in your approach and innovative with ideas as far as the knowledge base is concerned, to infuse collaboration in your business as well as meet the growing needs of the millennial employees who are always ‘on-the-go.’

Creating a knowledge base can be a daunting challenge. However, an internal knowledge base template makes this process a breeze for you.

Let your knowledge base help you defy the existing geographical boundaries and barriers so that employees can come together on a single converging point and work towards a common goal.

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About the author

Bryan Wills is a seasoned expert in knowledge management with over a decade of experience in the field. His expertise extends across various domains, including Security & Compliance, User Management, Knowledge Management, Software Documentation, and Customer Support. His writings not only reflect his deep understanding of these subjects but also offer practical solutions and strategies to help organizations enhance their knowledge management processes. Bryan’s work has been published in GetFeedback, CustomerThink, and Apruve.