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ProProfs Editorial Team

Knowledge management specialists |

The ProProfs Knowledge Base Editorial Team is a passionate group of knowledge management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your knowledge management initiatives.

Articles by ProProfs Editorial Team

Training Manual Templates: Elements & How to Create One

Inconsistent training materials, confused employees, and wasted time are common occurrences without a guiding resource. The solution lies in a well-crafted training manual template. Training manuals are essential for businesses to provide structured and comprehensive employee guidance.  In this blog, we will explore what a training manual template is, explore its essential elements, and guide...
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What Is an Instruction Manual Template, Its Elements, and How to Create One

In the customer-focused business world, clear product or service usage instructions are crucial to customer satisfaction and streamlined operations. But how do you simplify creating these vital documents while addressing common pain points? Instruction manual templates could be the answer that saves businesses time, money, and frustration.  In this blog, we will delve into instruction...
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Guide to SaaS User Manuals: How to Create, Types & Examples

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a budding entrepreneur, guiding users through your SaaS product can leave you in a maze.  A SaaS User Manual can be the game-changer here as it helps users understand the SaaS product’s functionality, features, and navigation, allowing them to maximize its benefits and solve any usage obstacles. In this...
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What Is a Knowledge Base: Definition, Benefits, & Steps to Create

When customers encounter an issue, calling or emailing your support team is not the first thing that comes to their mind.  Today’s customers attempt to resolve matters on their own before they approach your support team for help with a self-help knowledge base. But why? Because a self-help Knowledge Base is more convenient and instantaneous!...
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5 Best Manual Maker Software in 2024

Being in the knowledge management domain for 6+ years, I know how essential user manuals are in enhancing user understanding and enabling a seamless experience by offering clear, step-by-step information. In this blog, I will reveal the top five manual makers. Let’s start with a quick summary of my top three based on their customer...
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Best User Guide Templates & How to Create a User Guide with Examples

Getting lost in a new gadget or software maze is a common sight. Guess what can work as a magical map to navigate this maze? A user guide!  User guides are the keys to solving the confusion around the product and unlocking the full potential of any product.  They provide step-by-step guide, detailed explanations, and...
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What are the Types of User Manual in Technical Writing: The Guide

Imagine a scenario where every beep, click, and function has its friendly guide, simplifying complexity and eliminating confusion. User manuals eliminate that very complexity and confusion by helping end users understand how to use a product or service correctly. It also helps find solutions to problems that may arise during use.  Devices such as smartphones,...
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Explained: How to Create a User Manual in Word

Unlocking the full potential of a product or service can seem like solving a big jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.  Thanks to user manuals, your audience gets clear, concise, and structured information about a product’s features, functionalities, and usage.  Many people use Microsoft Word to create user manuals because of its familiarity, simple formatting options,...
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What is a Standard Operating Procedure Manual (SOP): The Guide & Best Practices

You must have heard the saying, “Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors.” Well, the business world isn’t a calm sea, either.  However, you can steer your ship to the shore with the right navigational tool, like an SOP manual. SOPs ensure everyone knows their role, guiding your teams through the confusion and changing it into...
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Explained: The Difference Between User Guide & User Manual

Have you ever stared hopelessly at a new gadget or piece of technology, unsure how to use it? Well, we have all been there! Thanks to user manuals and user guides, the confusion and frustration are no more. They offer step-by-step instructions on how to assemble, operate, and troubleshoot products.  However, there has been some...
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