Brayn Wills


Brayn Wills

Knowledge Management Specialist |

Bryan Wills is a seasoned expert in knowledge management with over a decade of experience in the field. His expertise extends across various domains, including Security & Compliance, User Management, Knowledge Management, Software Documentation, and Customer Support. His writings not only reflect his deep understanding of these subjects but also offer practical solutions and strategies to help organizations enhance their knowledge management processes. Bryan’s work has been published in GetFeedback, CustomerThink, and Apruve.

Articles by Brayn Wills

Why Your Business Needs an Enterprise Wiki?

Open-source libraries were a huge discovery when they first appeared – an amazing way for each and every internet user to gather knowledge and share their own using a simple, user-friendly medium. However, a lot of annoying problems started to appear as people kept putting in inaccurate information, and these problems were not so easy...
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7 Astonishing Ways to Apply Knowledge Base to Your Business

To create the perfect FAQ, online manual, user guide or wiki you need a tool that combines help authoring and knowledge management features such as ProProfs Knowledgebase. Let’s look at the different ways in which you can use knowledge base software. #1 Self-Service Cloud Knowledge Base The self-service knowledge base, also known as the online...
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