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Top 10 Benefits of Knowledge Base for Your Organization

Top 10 Benefits of Knowledge Base for Your Organization

As a business owner, there might be hundreds of things in your mind.  How to deliver the best-in-class support to customers and improve retention?  How to make employees stick to your organization and become lifelong contributors to its growth?  How to win customers, grow sales, and become the top brand the market has seen in...
How to Create a Training Manual: Steps & Best Practices

How to Create a Training Manual: Steps & Best Practices

Declining employee productivity and increasing turnover rates are two of the major concerns of businesses today.  Creating a training manual is a practical solution that can give you a respite from several workplace-related problems. It helps create a culture of continuous learning by making training resources and business information available for employees right at their...
How to Reduce Customer Service Emails: Tips & Tricks

How to Reduce Customer Service Emails: Tips & Tricks

Email usage in customer service is still rampant despite the emergence of self-service platforms, live chat, and social media. The influx of technology disrupted the email culture, but only to an extent, as it has not yet been wiped out completely. People take time to embrace and accept the shift, especially those who are extremely...
Digital Customer Service – The What, Why and How

Digital Customer Service – The What, Why and How

So before we jump on to digital customer service, lets first decode what ‘Digital’ exactly means. When I asked this question to my colleagues, each of them had cooked a different definition based on their perceptions and experiences.  I won’t say they were incorrect. Instead, the definitions were both similar and different in various ways. ...
What Is a Customer Service Training Manual & How to Create One

What Is a Customer Service Training Manual & How to Create One

Customer service can be challenging. Imagine dealing with customers from diverse backgrounds, being patient with an angry customer, or handling multiple customer chats simultaneously. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be, thanks to customer service training manuals, which provide in-depth guidance, strategies, and techniques to help you and your employees excel in customer service...
Customer Knowledge Management Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Customer Knowledge Management Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Gaining a 360-degree view of your customers is no more a choice. Like it or not, but you have to push yourself to take a genuine interest in your customers, to serve them better and faster. For delivering unparalleled services and exceptional experiences to customers, you need to be well-versed with the likes and dislikes...
10 Best Practices for Impeccable Internal Customer Service

10 Best Practices for Impeccable Internal Customer Service

In today’s fast-paced business world, information flows rapidly, making it essential to improve internal customer service for businesses.  Business success isn’t just about serving your customers well but also about working well with your team. However, some businesses still underestimate this. A Salesforce study shows that 86% of employees cite ineffective communication and lack of...
Self Service Customer Support – Everything You Need to Know

Self Service Customer Support – Everything You Need to Know

The face of customer support is changing fast. Now more than ever before, self-service has become the new way of serving customers. Unlike decades ago, when people relied on support teams to resolve their issues, customers today are increasingly opting for the DIY (Do It Yourself) approach to get information. Calling the support staff is...
The Ultimate Guide for Customer Journey Optimization

The Ultimate Guide for Customer Journey Optimization

Do you understand the journey your customers go through before they buy from you? The process of buying products or services differs from one person to another. Customer journeys help you comprehend how buyers behave when they visit your online or offline stores. With this knowledge, you can focus on improving those processes so that...
Customer Experience in Banking – Know How to Excel at It

Customer Experience in Banking – Know How to Excel at It

Customer experience has become an integral part of any business, including banks. Increasingly, it is becoming a key differentiator besides price and product.  In the banking industry, customers prefer to work with banks that provide them with simple banking solutions, personalized engagement, and round the clock access to their accounts. As such, banks that innovate...