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Effective Tips to Promote Your Self-Service Platform Among Customers

Effective Tips to Promote Your Self-Service Platform Among Customers

If there is one thing that modern customers crave for, it’s seamless 24×7 support experiences.  In fact, 74% of customers expect brands to have a self-service support portal.  But, providing them with online self-help options is one thing and delivering on your promise of a stellar self-service support experience is another.  One poor experience can...
Instructional Manual: Benefits, Examples & How to Write

Instructional Manual: Benefits, Examples & How to Write

Business owners and customer service representatives know the struggle to provide clear and concise instructions to customers.  That’s where the power of an instruction manual comes in to provide a step-by-step guide on how to use, assemble, install, or troubleshoot a product. In this blog, we will discuss how to create an instruction manual, discover...
Effective Tips to Cultivate a Collaborative Work Culture

Effective Tips to Cultivate a Collaborative Work Culture

“Team collaboration is key to business success” – how many times have you heard and used this sentence during meetings and conferences?  Innumerable times, right?  But, is this concept implemented with the same seriousness as it is spoken about?  Often, organizations fall victim to knowledge silos when teams aren’t given a collaborative work environment. This...
How is knowledge management used in healthcare?

How is knowledge management used in healthcare?

An overwhelming amount of data is generated every day in the healthcare sector. Global healthcare data is expected to reach a whopping 2314 exabytes in 2020. That’s the equivalent of more than 2 trillion laptops worth of data.  Clearly, healthcare is a data-intensive industry, given the constant research on advanced procedures, new treatments, and emerging...
How to Create an Impressive Corporate Wiki for Your Employees

How to Create an Impressive Corporate Wiki for Your Employees

It’s not surprising to see employees spending an inordinate amount of time looking for company information across Google Drive, emails, and scattered documents – this is the story of every other business today! This tedious information-gathering process is often the cause of low productivity and poor performance at work. Good news: creating a corporate wiki...
6 Metrics to Measure & Improve Self-Service Effectiveness

6 Metrics to Measure & Improve Self-Service Effectiveness

Today’s customers crave seamless self-service experiences. They like to be in the driver’s seat and want services on their terms. That’s precisely why 92% of customers expect brands to provide a self-service portal.  It empowers them to solve problems quickly and conveniently.  The question is, Are your customers receiving the self-service experiences they expect from...
What Is HR Documentation? Types & Best Practices With Examples

What Is HR Documentation? Types & Best Practices With Examples

HR departments create HR documentation to record and organize crucial information related to employees and HR processes. This documentation ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations and streamlines various HR functions, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and termination. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of HR documentation, delve into the different...
Wow Your Audience With Engaging Knowledge Base Videos

Wow Your Audience With Engaging Knowledge Base Videos

Video has become one of the most cost-effective ways to promote, train, and support customers. If used the right way, it can both save you money and make you money. – Shep Hyken Video is the new BIG THING. If you aren’t using videos to improve customer experience, you’re probably missing out on a lot...
What Is Training Documentation? Types & How to Create One With Examples

What Is Training Documentation? Types & How to Create One With Examples

Training documentation is indispensable for any organization looking to enhance the effectiveness of its training programs.  These documents streamline the learning experience and ensure consistency and quality across training sessions by meticulously outlining the training process, objectives, and resources.  According to a LinkedIn report, around 93% of employees will stay longer in a company, provided...
What is IT Documentation: Types, Best Practices & Tools

What is IT Documentation: Types, Best Practices & Tools

IT team members running from pillar to post, resolving support tickets, answering repetitive questions – this is a common scene in most companies.  In fact, every company has that one IT guy who employees seek help from whenever they are bothered by a technical issue.  With IT documentation software, you can make every employee familiar...