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How to Enhance the Productivity of Your Customer Support Staff

How to Enhance the Productivity of Your Customer Support Staff

Customer support agents in any organization are the most stressed out. They continuously have to deal with customer requests and maintain the same level of enthusiasm throughout the day, right from the first call when they come to office till the last one. This is because they are the face of any business and hence,...
Can a Travel Knowledge Base Help You Cater to Globetrotters?

Can a Travel Knowledge Base Help You Cater to Globetrotters?

A few years ago, my parents paid frequent visits to offices of travel agents to finalize our annual holiday destination and plan the itinerary. Now when I look back, I realize how tedious and time-consuming it was, right from zeroing in on a travel destination and booking tickets to choosing a hotel and planning the...
Is Healthcare Marketing Only About Brand Awareness?

Is Healthcare Marketing Only About Brand Awareness?

The healthcare industry is undergoing a massive metamorphosis, thanks to the changing preferences of patients across the globe. Gone is the time when healthcare providers were only concerned about enhancing their brand awareness. The concept of healthcare marketing is shifting its focus from being brand-oriented to being consumer or patient-centered. Healthcare marketing is being rethought...
Everything You Need to Know About Context-Sensitive Help

Everything You Need to Know About Context-Sensitive Help

You have created a comprehensive product user guide for your customers with all the information rightly placed. But is it serving the purpose well given that your customer tickets are still on the rise for trivial issues? This means there is definitely something wrong. There can be two cases – either you have gone wrong...
Building Consumer Awareness Can Actually Sell Your Brand

Building Consumer Awareness Can Actually Sell Your Brand

Consumers are the focal point for business organizations regardless of their industry. Sans customers, there is no bread and definitely no butter for companies. If they are this important, the chance of ignoring their rights shouldn’t arise in the first place, but unfortunately, it happens. Why aren’t consumer rights seen in a different light? Businesses...
8 Common Mistakes E-commerce Entrepreneurs Tend to Make in a New Business

8 Common Mistakes E-commerce Entrepreneurs Tend to Make in a New Business

E-commerce entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted given the slew of challenges involved. You need patience, courage and a strong will to get going regardless of how big the mountain of challenges is. To be honest, online entrepreneurship is not everyone’s cup of tea. And yet, people are taking the plunge into it not just...
Does Your Workforce Spend Too Much Time Searching for Information?

Does Your Workforce Spend Too Much Time Searching for Information?

Corporate professionals have to deal with a humongous amount of data on a daily basis. Especially for those at the managerial level, this task becomes even more tedious when the information is scattered across various files and folders. According to a McKinsey report, employees spend 1.8 hours every day—9.3 hours per week, on an average—searching...
Employee Handbook Content – Turn Your Handbook From Good to Great

Employee Handbook Content – Turn Your Handbook From Good to Great

A well-written, information-rich employee handbook is a valuable business asset.  It spells out the rules of the game and conveys your vibes and values clearly. In short, it helps you achieve your ultimate goal – employee happiness.  The question is, how do you ensure that your employee handbook is of real help to your workforce? ...
Build Excellent Product Manuals With Online Manual Creator

Build Excellent Product Manuals With Online Manual Creator

Imagine This – Your customer is in a problematic situation. He wants to make an urgent call but unfortunately, the mobile phone hangs. Confused on what to do, he opens his laptop and searches online for the product manual of his mobile phone to fix it quickly. By following the guidelines mentioned in the manual,...