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Checklist for Selecting the Best Documentation Tool for IT Companies

Checklist for Selecting the Best Documentation Tool for IT Companies

Documentation forms the bedrock of a business, particularly for an IT company. A well-defined and full-proof documentation has more advantages than one can imagine. It helps you reduce IT complaints and resolve queries faster so that you can build a better bond with your customers. However, to achieve this, you need to get one thing...
Manage Your Business Knowledge in a Personal Knowledge Base

Manage Your Business Knowledge in a Personal Knowledge Base

Ever wondered if you could consolidate all the important business information, your work experiences, meeting notes, and much more on a single online platform?  Life would be sorted, right?  No heavy files to take along every time you go for a business meeting and minimum risk of information loss.  This is possible if you have...
Why a Searchable Knowledge Base Is the Best Thing for Your Business?

Why a Searchable Knowledge Base Is the Best Thing for Your Business?

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” This quote by Hellen Keller is quite relevant today when collaboration is touted as the new innovation and is seen as indispensable by businesses to craft a positive growth trajectory. Let’s start with a few questions. Does your organization have its roots globally?...
5 Winning Strategies to Create Online Help Documentation

5 Winning Strategies to Create Online Help Documentation

Did you know? As per a survey by Salesforce, 89% of millennials use a search engine to find answers before making a call to get customer service 70% of customers prefer to use a company’s website to get answers to their questions rather than use phone or email. Who would have thought a decade ago...
6 Quick Hacks to Optimize Your Knowledge Base

6 Quick Hacks to Optimize Your Knowledge Base

A knowledge base speaks volumes about your business dynamics, about what you actually offer to your customers. It is the face of your firm on the basis of which your customers create a perception about your brand in their minds because through knowledge base your customers learn about your product or service. If it’s something...
How to Create Online Documentation: The Guide

How to Create Online Documentation: The Guide

The demand for instant access to information and support has never been higher, and online documentation has emerged as a key solution.  It offers users immediate access to manuals, guides, and how-tos with just a few clicks. This innovative approach to documentation caters to the modern consumer’s expectations for speed and efficiency and addresses several...
How to Create Technical Documentation with Examples

How to Create Technical Documentation with Examples

Writing technical documentation is becoming an essential consideration for businesses to clarify complex information and enhance user understanding and support. A recent study by McKinsey found that employees spend almost 1.8 hours every day searching for and gathering information. This statistic underscores a significant productivity challenge businesses face—time lost in seeking necessary information.  Technical documentation...
How to Acquire and Apply Knowledge Acquisition in Your Organization

How to Acquire and Apply Knowledge Acquisition in Your Organization

Large companies with complex organizational structure—thus, a repository of disparate knowledge across its various business units—should leverage knowledge acquisition to improve their overall efficiency. Although knowledge acquisition is commonly associated with a manufacturing company’s research and development goal, it can be utilized also for other business processes, namely: I.T., operations and, to a degree, customer...
The Future of Knowledge Management in Education

The Future of Knowledge Management in Education

The past few decades in education have witnessed a respectable trend away from Behaviorism and towards more Constructivist pedagogies in the classroom. Rather than engaging students in repetitive “drill & kill” exercises with scantron exams, the thinking goes, we should be assigning more collaborative, project-based activities that encourage students to seek their own knowledge. State...